1.Nevertheless, McGrady's desire to win should make him a good citizen off the bench and is a likely improvement over Luke Walton.
2.This new generation is trying to open up the debate about how to be both a good Muslim and a good citizen in a modern secular society.
3.The clerk handed him a railway ticket and the five-dollar bill with which, the law expected him to be a good citizen.
4.The company which is trying to be a good citizen everywhere will hire local personnel .
5.It's up to us to use our platform to be a good citizen. Because not only is it a nice thing to do, it's a business imperative.
6.As a good citizen, he should prepare himself in his everyday life as well as in school for the contribution of his talent to his country.
7.One may keep good health and good mind to be a good citizen in a society, but that is not the only aim of life.
8.As to what is dearer to you than life, nothing can be so dear to a good citizen as the Republic.
9.If I were a good citizen, I would provide a matching piece of schema to document it.
10.This makes it difficult for the philosopher to be a good citizen of any actural regime.